Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cage of Skin and Bone: Published (as "Catch Me Falling")

After a lengthy delay, I decided to self-publish Cage of Skin and Bone. But not before changing the title to Catch Me Falling. I think it fits better with the story's primary category of "romantic fantasy".

In the past year, I more than satisfied my rejection quota as agent after agent either said "No, thanks" or did not bother to respond. Sure, I get that there are umpty-million aspiring authors and about thirty-seven agents. I understand that many fine stories never see the light of day through traditional publishing as a result. And I realize that self-publishing confines a novel to a life of limited upside. Yah, I get it. But dang it, I like this story, and would rather a few hundred people read it than none. So this is me shaking my fist at the universe once again and flinging my story into the readership void.

The 300-page novel is available on,, itunes, nook, createspace, and a number of other outlets. Now begins the long, trudging march of marketing and selling it. Here. We. Go.

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