Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Well 2: Falling - Now Available on Amazon

After escaping the Well, the underground bunker that has sheltered his people for fifteen generations from the horrors of Surface, Singer and his three cohorts find themselves falling from the frying pan and into the fire! The world outside the Well could not be more hostile – a place of barren desolation and airless death. However, the blue and white orb hanging in a black sky beckons them toward the true path to Surface.

The escapees promptly run afoul of others that occupy the desolation, and land in confinement with death or return to the Well as the only viable options. Faced with the puzzle of finding a third option – one that takes him to Surface – Singer works to keep his small crew alive long enough to convince his captors to spare them. When the moment of epiphany occurs, Singer’s existence becomes more endangered still, for it requires a return to the Well – which has descended into madness. Even success of his plan may not save his life, let alone take him to mythical Surface. And even a journey to Surface to face the menacing mystery of The Darkness may result in certain death!

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